Sunday, 25 March 2012

Of babies, nether regions and sex

So this issue has been brewing in my mind for a long time my line of duty, I see a lot of nether regions, ALOT! And we are all different, it's actually amazing, kinda like the way we all have different facial features. There's abit of variation between those who have delivered naturally and the first timers. The best part being that the experienced ones are usually more willing to work with us as we bring the new life forth.

From my study of the human body, the birth canal has very strong muscles which also have the highest tensile strength. A baby's head passes right through it and it goes back to its original state. Since time immemorial women have done this, and men with their women have continually Engaged in intercourse and produced even more babies. Rumour has it that the sex actually gets better, you know, the more the muscle is exercised, the stronger it gets and the more it contracts end result PURE UNADULTERATED PLEASURE!

However, There's a trend in town that women are chickening out from natural birth so As not to 'ruin' the nether my question today is actually very simple, and I want all to have an input, men and women alike.... Is there a difference in the sex after natural childbirth?

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