Monday, 9 May 2011


Yesterday I was on  night duty, Emergency Theater Call. and being a Sunday and all, I felt the urge to whisper a prayer (My pastor would be proud of this one) for all my patients before my scalpel cut through their bellies to bring forth new life, it was also mothers day so I was kinda mellowed out and hoping that everyone who came under my blade would get to experience the true joy of motherhood.

All went well, needless to say but one patient gave us a little fright. She had a very Low Hb level...i.e she was really anemic, her baby developed distress and she therefore had to undergo an emergency c-section. I remember praying fervently each step of the process and asking God to give us a bloodless operation because The National Hospital as it were is having a blood crisis! Thankfully, The Big Guy up there never disappoints and we pulled through, baby wailed her lungs out and mother recovered uneventfully.

Brings me to the all important question, how many of us commit our patients under the Almighty.....

Blessed week people!


  1. amen, awesome for those mothers who didn't even know their doctor prays for them!
